If you see a small yarn breakage on your knitwear, it’s best to have the hole repaired before it begins to unravel. Our experts will secure all broken strands and reweave your garment, making it virtually good as new. Please choose the size that you feel best describes the damage you see. If there are more than two ends of yarn, your knit has a large hole with multiple broken stitches.
If your repair inquiry involves damage to crochet, please reach out to our team here. Garments created with this technique will take some extra consideration before we can accept your request.
Small (One Broken Stitch) – $30.00
Large (Multiple Broken Stitches) – $50.00
Please note: We will do our best to color match as closely as possible to the original yarn colors. Our color archive starts with FW20, but we have samples from other seasons and collections.
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